I have a blogging checklist, do you?
When it comes to blogging, it isn’t just typing up a bunch of words on the screen and walking away. In order to maximize your blog content, you need to promote it. Blogging isn’t an easy job, in fact, it takes many hours to draft, take and edit photos, create a blog post, work on SEO, and of course, share it with your social media networks. There are a variety of different ways you can share your content but getting into the habit of doing it after each post is the hard part. I have come up with a daily blogging checklist that helps me to keep on task. Everyone by now is pretty familiar with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Bloglovin, and Google+, right? Sometimes keeping them all updated and organized sounds overwhelming. Here is a simple blogging checklist to help you and your blog along.
- Pinterest:
- I create my blog post, I pin all my images to my boards.
- I will also visit other blogger websites and pin at least three photos from their blog to my boards.
- I visit Pinterest at least 2 to 3 times a day, morning, noon and night. Each time I visit, I pin a minimum of 10 ideas.
- Instagram:
- I will post a photo and a short teaser of what I am about to share on my blog. It could be a review or a specific topic.
- I will also scroll through my feed and like and comment on a variety of photos. I try to like/comment on at least 5 images.
- Facebook:
- Every day I will post a link to my blog post, however with Facebook and their tricky ways, I will always share what my post is about and add the link in the comments. For some reason, {thanks to another blogger filling me in on this} you will receive more “views” on it if you share the link in the comment as opposed to sharing the actual link in the post.
- I will also post a question, quote or photo that I will ask for readers to like and/or comment on.
- And lastly, I always respond to all comments and/or messages. It’s all about connecting and networking, don’t let your page comments go unanswered or acknowledged.
- For my favorite blogs, I add them to my favorites list and can easily click on a link that will show only those posts. It helps to weed through a bunch of content that I am not really interested in. This is especially great for keeping up and sharing my Tribe members content.
- Twitter:
- I am on Twitter at all times of the morning, noon and night. I always check my feed and I always utilize the “list” option. When you follow someone you can add them to your “lists” and it makes it super easy to find the content that is targeted to your specific needs or wants. You can keep your lists private or public. I prefer private, but I know a lot of Twitter users like to have them public. I think its more of a personal choice by I’m not 100% on that, so don’t quote me! 🙂
- I will retweet at least 5 tweets.
- I will reply to at least 3-5 different bloggers’ tweets.
- I will respond to all my @replies so no one is left hanging.
- I also visit my Tribe members and show them some love!
- I will share my latest blog post via twitter and I have my blog set up to shoot out a tweet every 30 minutes so my twitter feed is always updated.
- Google+:
- I give +1’s to other bloggers.
- I don’t do this as often as I should, but when I log on, I make sure I send some love!
- I will also share a comment on at least 3 other posts.
- I do share my latest blog post as well.
- Bloglovin:
- I have to get better with Bloglovin because it is a great tool. I’d like to get to the point of selecting 5 blogs to leave a genuine comment on. I will be working on this for the next month so I’ll update and let you know how it goes!
There are many tools that can help you achieve all your blogging checklist needs. I will be sharing more of those tools as the weeks go by so please check back frequently and check out all the tried and true blogging tips!
Do you work off of a blogging social media checklist? What have you tried? I would love to hear what has worked (and perhaps what didn’t) so that others struggling can get a better handle on this overwhelming social media spinning wheel. After all, that’s what the Blogger Connections are all about! *wink wink*
This is a great list. So glad I checked it out, and just another reminder of how much work really goes into blogging.
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