That’s right! New content is coming soon. What does that mean exactly? Welp, I’m back to blogging full-time again. It took me some time to figure my crap out and I did it. I ditched the VA work (for the time being) and am bringing back blogging! I couldn’t be more excited about it too. I am not just coming back with one blog, nope, I am coming back with 5. I stopped writing, stopped caring about myself, stopped a lot of things over the last 5 years and it’s time to make a comeback. What I’ve learned is that I really do enjoy writing and being creative so why and I trying to basically force a triangle into a square opening? It isn’t going to work and I only get frustrated trying….so go do what makes sense….put a circle into a circle! DUH!
In the upcoming days, you will see a lot of different types of posts from me ranging from recipes to reviews. My son and I bought this Air Fryer cookbook and I told him that we will be trying one recipe per day until he goes back to school. That should be fun, no? Then I have these items that I bought because the interweb said I should. I have got to share those with you! It’s going to be fun…I promise!
Until then…stay tuned! You’ll be hearing a lot more from me!
XOXO – Phyllis